Nutrition and Skin - Lessons for Anti-Aging, Beauty and Healthy Skin


Good health has been always associated with nutrition and skin quality. It is apparent that we all desire to live longer healthy lives while maintaining a youthful appear- acne. A vast amount of epidemiological and clinical studies link various nutrients to health benefits in tissues and organs. Recent interest in these relations is triggering progressive reexploration by the dermatological community, particularly where connections between diet and skin have previously been dismissed. A promising volume of publications and findings now support ideas and validate theories that key nutrients are imperative for healthy skin. We seek to elucidate not only the potential health benefits that certain diets or nutrients bring to various tissues and organs but also the contrib- uting effects on our skin health and visible condition. It is up to all of us—scientists, doctors, the industry, the sponsoring agencies, the government, and all the people— to find this extra time, effort, and help to address, although not life-threatening, an issue closely associated with the quality of life, health, and well-being. 


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