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300 Days of Better Writing


Learn to write clearly, correctly, and powerfully. 300 Days of Better Writing teaches you to write and edit like a professional--one day at a time. Strategies and techniques are broken down into specific actions, and major concepts are presented as a series of discrete lessons. The topic index and cross-reference guide will help you explore broad topics in depth. Use this book to answer the question, What can I do right now to make my writing better? 300 Days of Better Writing provides 300 strategies for effective writing. Broad topics are presented as individual lessons and distributed throughout the book so that you have time to learn, practice, and master one strategy before learning a new strategy on the same topic. Whether you learn one strategy a day, read them all at once, or explore a specific topic, 300 Days of Better Writing will help you write well.


DIY ideas - Projects and tips for every room


We know this to be true, because our team does a lot of both dreaming and doing. Sometimes those dream projects require basic tools and familiar techniques; other times we’re developing new ideas with a trial-and-error process that allows us to work out the kinks for you. So whether you have a passion for decorating, remodeling, crafting, or gardening, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve filled this volume with our most-loved projects and the instructions for how to craft them. The first five chapters are packed with real-life homes filled with smart and stylish ideas. You’re sure to find inspiration for your next project here. The next set of chapters is chock-full of inspiring projects and how-to. From small, decorative accents to window treatments to easy-on-you custom furniture and so much more, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to turn to Chapter 13 before you get started. This primer chapter is filled with tips, tools, and techniques you’ll need to make any of our painting, sewing, crafting, building, and outdoor projects. Throughout the book, you’ll find “before” photos, clever shortcuts, and step-by-step instructions for getting the job done right. Your home is a canvas for creative expression. It says a lot about who you are. Let us inspire you to make it all you dream it can be.    - DIY Team


Logo Design Workbook



This book will offer the reader ideas and inspiration by featuring hundreds of real life logos from around the world that have succeeded for their clients, as well as hardworking content focused on the basics including: – Choosing colors – Choosing the right typeface – Size matters – How to incorporate logos on products and collateral – Common mistakes in logo design – What makes a logo successful Scattered throughout the second portion of the book will be profiles/interviews with prominent logo designers as well as sidebars which examine the evolution of many well known logos as well as some historical logos that have shaped graphic design. The book focuses on creating powerful logo designs and answers the question, "What makes a logo work?" In the first half of this book, authors Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka walk readers step-by-step through the entire logo-development process. Topics include developing a concept that communicates the right message and is appropriate for both the client and the market; defining how the client's long-term goals might affect the look and needs of the mark; choosing colors and typefaces; avoiding common mistakes; and deciphering why some logos are successful whereas others are not. The second half of the book comprises in-depth case studies on logos designed for various industries. Each case study explores the design brief, the relationship with the client, the time frame, and the results.

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The Men's Fitness Exercise Bible


Just walking into and Jean doesn't guarantee you a great workout. It's a lot like walking to the supermarket. Just because you fill your shopping cart with lots of great food doesn’t mean you know how whip up a great meal. Cook all of those foods too fast, too long, or in the wrong combinations and even the freshest, most expensive ingredients turn into slop. The same thing happens in the gym: there are dozens of shiny machines and piles of free weights, and literally thousands of things you can do with them to build muscle and burn fat. But simply having access to a lot of equipment doesn’t mean you’ll know how to craft a great workout; one that will maximize your gains and minimize the time you spend reaching them.If you’ve been frustrated by fitness plans in the past or found yourself dropping out because a lack of results, a lack of time, or because your routine called for equipment that wasn’t available on a regular basis, this book is for you. If you want to take the gains you’ve reached and turbocharge them, this book is for you. If you want the perfect workout for the time you have, the equipment you have and the goals you have, this book is for you.


The Complete Photography Book



Photography is an expansive genre with many exciting and creative area of interest. From shooting professional portraits and scenic vistas to close up macros and wildlife, there's certainly no shortage of interesting subjects to capture through the camera lens. In this book, you'll be guided through all of  the popular photographic subjects and discover how to hone our skills in each area. Whether you own a DSLR or a compact, follow this comprehensive guide to photography and you'll be capturing stunning results in no time.

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Nutrition and Skin - Lessons for Anti-Aging, Beauty and Healthy Skin


Good health has been always associated with nutrition and skin quality. It is apparent that we all desire to live longer healthy lives while maintaining a youthful appear- acne. A vast amount of epidemiological and clinical studies link various nutrients to health benefits in tissues and organs. Recent interest in these relations is triggering progressive reexploration by the dermatological community, particularly where connections between diet and skin have previously been dismissed. A promising volume of publications and findings now support ideas and validate theories that key nutrients are imperative for healthy skin. We seek to elucidate not only the potential health benefits that certain diets or nutrients bring to various tissues and organs but also the contrib- uting effects on our skin health and visible condition. It is up to all of us—scientists, doctors, the industry, the sponsoring agencies, the government, and all the people— to find this extra time, effort, and help to address, although not life-threatening, an issue closely associated with the quality of life, health, and well-being. 

Hacking Wireless Network for Dummies




In all of networking history, it has never been easier to penetrate a network. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN technology gives the hacker and network security professional inexpensive many times free tools to work with. Whether you are an avid user of Linux or Windows, the tools are everywhere. Due to the enduring and ubiquitous warez community, hackers can obtain even the expensive analysis and penetration tools such as 802.11 protocol analyzers with no investment. This book will show you quite a few of the latest tools, but an exhaustive text covering all currently-available wireless hacking tools would require a forklift to move, and would require you to remove all other books from your book shelves to make room. With this many available tools, the important factor becomes learning how to use them effectively and efficiently.

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